Our Products

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Advanced software as a service solution, developed for the Allied Health Industry
  • Managing patient records, appointments and prescriptions in one single system
  • Processing Online Medicare Claims in the same system that you generate your customer invoices
  • Assisting Doctor's decision making, leading to better healthcare delivery
  • strong practitioner-patient relationships
  • Designed in collaboration with industry doctors and practitioners

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Cryoworks is a specialised software application that manages the collection, freezing, storage and thawing of specimens as well as tracking the activities and personnel involved. The application allows scientists to save time on administrative tasks and focus more on patient services.

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The Online Claimer is a stand-alone, user-friendly application that provides medical practices the ability to manage patients, as well as send Bulk Bill, Patient Claims - Store and Forward, Patient Claims - Interactive, DVA Allied Health and Community Nursing claims electronically to Medicare. The online claiming solution replaces paper based forms with real-time electronic transmissions to Medicare.

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Claims Connector integrates with your existing patient or clinic management system and enables you to securely submit directly to Medicare. This shortens the amount of time and effort that is required to receive payments for your services. We can implement the Claims Connector to work seamlessly with your existing systems and run tests to ensure a quick integration with your Practice Management System.

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The Laboratory Management System (LMS) is a Medical/Business Management system designed to support Laboratory and Clinic processes as well as administration processes. It manages both patient and staff records as well as forms, work lists and reports. It has built-in modules for Andrology and Embryology that can be modified to suit the practice's internal processes. We identified a gap between the current capabilities of clinic software and what is really essential to clinics and laboratories. LMS was created for Australian laboratories and clinics and is designed to maintain quality assurance following NATA requirements for laboratories. Extra modules can be incorporated into the application to suit your unique requirements.

Drug dispensing software which keeps track of medications dispensed to patients and can also be used to manage an inventory of medications, order medications from pharmaceutical suppliers and to create PBS claims for IVF medications.

A website tailored to your requirements that is used by both patients and doctors to access data in relation to a patient's medical treatment. There is also an administration application used by administrators to register various details and access rights about users of the secure website.

If you would like more information on any of our products or if you would like to request a demonstration please do not hesitate to call us

+61 (0)2 9299 1212 or +61 (0)3 9044 9769